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Which Roofing Materials Last The Longest?


The Longest Lasting Roofing Materials On The Market

When it comes to deciding on a new roof for your home, there are plenty of factors to consider. One of the most important questions people have when making the decision to repair and replace a roof is, which roofing material lasts the longest? It’s an important question, but the answer can be tricky to get to, so we’re here to help you determine the answer.

It Depends On The Conditions

A basic rule of thumb is that the more you invest in roofing materials, the longer the roof will last. Some roofing materials are incredibly durable and can weather many storms and many years, materials like clay, slate tiles and concrete. In comparison to roofs made of wood shakes, these materials will long outperform and last many years longer. Other materials like metal and asphalt shingles can be long lasting, too, but it depends on the conditions they have to endure and the quality of the materials, which can also vary.

Thankfully, roofing materials, for the most part, are made to last. There would not only be many unhappy customers but serious safety concerns if roofs started to fall apart after only a year or two. According to the National Association of Home Builders, almost all roofs should last at least a couple of decades.

Different Types Of Roofing Materials

But to get more specific, we’ve come up with a list of materials and have compiled how long they are expected to last under normal conditions.

Asphalt shingles last approximately 20 years, but they do come in varying degrees of quality—premium asphalt shingles can last up to five decades. They are the most widely used roofing products in North America and are readily available in a variety of colours and styles, and have a wide range in price and quality.

Architectural asphalt products are made from engineered polymer composites that imitate the look of cedar wood shakes or slate tiles and last about 30 years on average.

Wood shingles and shakes are made to last around 30 years, but if the house is in mild weather that does not swing to extremes, these products can last much longer. However, if the wood is under conditions that are wet, or that cause the wood to constantly expand and shrink, they will quickly warp.

Metal roofing products can last between 40 and 80 years, and include metal shingles, slates, tiles and vertical panels. One benefit to these products is that they weigh about half as much as asphalt shingles and are 75 percent lighter than tiles. Copper roofs can last 70 years or more.

Slate, concrete and clay tiles will outlast almost all other materials with life expectancies of 100 years or more. Clay and concrete will last more than a century with slate outliving them all at 150 years or more. However, slate and concrete roofs are extremely heavy, as much as 1,500 pounds per 10×10 foot area, and are not suitable for all housing types.

Factor In Cost, Weight & Climate

While some materials will most definitely outlast others, there are restrictions that limit the roof material choices like cost, weight and climate. If you live in a climate like Vancouver where there are long periods of rain followed by periods of heat, you might want a different roofing material than if you live somewhere where the temperature drops below zero or stays warm all year round. You also need to consider the design of the building and what kind of roof the building frame can support as some roofs weigh more than others, as well as how often roof maintenance is done.

Choose A Certified Select Shingle Master To Get The Longest Warranty On The Market

As you can see Roofing Materials can vary, the advantage to working with Taves Roofing is that we are Select Shingle Master Certified! What does that mean to you? Well we have the longest Warranty in Town, 50 YEARS!

There are only a few companies in the Lower Mainland that are Select Shingle Master Certified. If you want peace of mind, then be sure to call us today for a no obligation quote. You can reach us at (604) 524-6695 or visit our Contact us page 

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