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Can You Install Skylights on a Metal Roof?

Image of skylight on metal roof

A unique way to brighten up a small or restricted space is by adding a skylight. They bring a natural form of light and an appreciation for the changing weather and seasons. Moreover, they add the benefitted potential for natural heating and cross ventilation in your home. Ultimately, lessening electricity bills at the end of the month. With growing popularity for metal roofs, many are curious about whether they can still add skylights to their home or not – in short, yes! Skylights can be installed on metal roofs, however, here are some things you should know before proceeding.

Plan Ahead!

If you’re replacing or choosing your roof to be a metal one, great selection! It’s an efficient, long lasting, and durable option. Metal offers the added benefit of being considered the most environmentally friendly roofing material, typically being built from partially recycled materials, with further recycling possibilities post-use. It also helps homeowners save on electricity bills because it reflects heat up thus reducing interior cooling costs. But when should I add my skylight, you may ask? Well, in this case, planning ahead is important as adding a skylight to a metal roof after it’s already been installed is a precarious, expensive, and timely project. So, best to avoid if you have the option and are in the process of roofing.

Picking your Skylight!

The best options for metal roofs are deck mounted and curb mounted skylights. Deck mounted skylights are characterized by their sleek appearance, whereas curb mounted ones protrude more from the roof. Other than appearance, roof pitch (or slope) plays the most significant role in determining whether you should pick a deck or curb mounted skylight. However, if the option is available to you, note that although deck mounted skylights are pretty from the exterior and offer better energy efficient properties, the curb mounted skylights are less of an upfront cost and are easier to replace considering their installation process.

Picking your skylight should be a fun choice. Especially if you’re excited about the interior design of your space too! With options for different shaped and sized skylights – particularly deck mounted ones – it’s fun to imagine how light will reflect on your favourite pieces of furniture and trinkets. The size range also adds options for prices which can be helpful in designing your space.

But remember, while aesthetic is desirable, make sure to chat with your contractor about roof slope as it is ultimately the deciding factor between a deck or curb mounted skylight.

Oh no! Not a Leak!

Although metal roofs are known for their lack of leak issues, one of the mostly likely areas for a leak is around skylights. How can this be prevented? Well, it really has to do with investing in high quality flashing and insulation. Roof flashing is the thin metal installed around projecting roof elements in order to ensure water proofing. If eroded, leaking will likely follow. Moreover, if insulation is poor, airflow is increased, causing condensation and further decay of insulation materials. So, when it’s time to pick your skylight, make sure you don’t cheap out on roof flashing and insulation materials. Why? Because leaks are a time and money nuisance no one needs!

Choosing the right paneling

As mentioned above, roof pitch really does determine your skylight options, but it is also determined by roof paneling. The most common metal roof paneling option is called exposed fastener metal roofing. It’s all-round the most inexpensive option due to both material costs and labour requirements. However, it is characterized by its many roof penetrations thus causing it to be more maintenance intensive. Especially when compared to its competitor, the concealed fastener metal panel system. Concealed fastener roof paneling is a more expensive option, however, as it often has weather warranties available, it requires less maintenance and has a sleeker look. Choosing the right paneling for you will determine the optimal flashing option for you. Making it the first and most important decision in the journey to installing your skylight.

Metal Roofing Companies

While there are many things to look out for when installing a skylight into a metal roof, it’s a fun imaginative process that will end in having a beautiful focal point feature in your home! If you’re scouting roofing companies for skylight and metal roofing experts, look no further. Our team at Taves Roofing are here to help! Our Vancouver roofing services are reliable, affordable, and top-of-the-line. Call for a quote today!

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