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Flat Roof Replacement Or Repair Tips


Tips For Your Commercial Flat Roof Replacement

We recently read a great quote: If you take care of your roof, it will take care of you. A simple sentence that sums up the cardinal rule of roofing.

Roofs come in many different forms and vary depending on both climate, and the preferences of the designer or homeowner. But whether it’s a pitched roof or flat, all roofs require care and attention. And the better a person cares for their roof, the longer it will last, the more money they will save, and the fewer headaches they will suffer.

We’re going to focus on flat roofs in this post, and offer some advice on how to check for signs of damage and what to do if damage is noticed.

The History Of Flat Roofing

First, a little background. Flat roofs have been around for as long as humans have built structures, and the materials used have changed over time and differ from place to place. These days, in a city like Vancouver, the standard flat roof is made of layers consisting of a membrane, often held in place with gravel or alternatively glued and tacked to the roof structure.

The membrane material has also evolved and developed over the years and is now available in rubber, high grade plastic, or other manufactured materials. The membrane is designed to withstand the elements and conserve energy. People choose flat roofs for a number of reasons, often because they are often long lasting and very durable.

Be Sure To Have A Professional Roofing Contractor Inspect

No matter the shape or material, as a home or building owner, it is highly recommended that you subject the roof to an annual inspection by a roofing professional. A trained roofer will find issues related to structural integrity and can spot damage that might not be otherwise noticed.

In addition, if there has been a spell of bad weather, it is a good idea for building owners to do some visual spot checks. Either access the roof (if that is available) or view it from the vantage of a ladder and notice if there are any tears in the material or depressions in the roof. If you notice that something looks amiss, especially if a storm has blown through, it’s a good idea to call a professional to evaluate further. A roofer will assess the damage and offer advice on how to proceed with repairs.

Don’t Forget To Check The Interior Of Your Roof

It’s also a good idea to do spot checks from the interior. In other words, and again especially after a storm, walk around to see if there is any water damage inside the building. If you notice water stains on the roof or a the wall seams, it is a clear sign that leaks are forming and you should call a roofer without hesitation. A leaking roof, if not immediately repaired, can be extremely costly and troublesome to fix.

Patching up a flat roof doesn’t have to be a big deal, but unless you have a good understanding of how a roof is fixed, we recommend calling in a roofer. Flat roofs can be an excellent investment for your building as they are durable and long lasting, and the more care you put into them, the better your return.

If you have any questions about repairs or would like to book an inspection, feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.

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